Training Courses

2025 Courses

CareerLink students are offered a broad range of Vocational Education and Training courses that are nationally accredited, leading to a qualification as detailed in the specific flyer. These courses are conducted at the respective training campus at a variety of locations.

Students attend one day per week on a Tuesday, with a discrete class from CareerLink member schools. Pastoral care continues for students in the new learning environment and progress reports are provided to schools and parents.

The range of courses offered to CareerLink students are at level Certificate II and above, depending on the industry area. Students enrolled in some trade courses are scheduled over a two-year period.

Students who complete a Certificate will be issued with a Statement of Attainment. The nominal hours for each qualification equates to unit equivalents in batches of 55 hours, which count towards Secondary Graduation and listed on the students’ WA Certificate of Education (WACE).

Students must apply to join CareerLink with their School VET Coordinator and interviews are conducted at their School. The CareerLink Career Development Coordinator liaises with the School VET Coordinator/ Career Counsellor to allocate the student to the appropriate training course aligned with the student’s career goal.

It is understood that courses attracting a viable class size will constitute the offerings each year.

Units of Competency